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Ready to cure your quarter, 30s or mid-life crisis? 




Six months, 12 sessions and 4 steps to get you unstuck and living a life that lights you up.


Shift your stuck energy


Get out of your own way


Uncover your purpose


'Maek' it happen

01 Shift your stuck energy:

When you're feeling stuck, you have no spark. You might even be close to burn out. You're feeling trapped, frustrated and hopeless about your future.


Making decisions about what and how to change when you’re in this place is really hard. So don't. Let's first help you heal, make time for yourself, slow down and bring some flow, fun and positive energy back into your life.


To get a taste for the kinds of things we'll cover in this step, visit these blog posts.


02 Get out of your own way:

There's a reason why you haven't made a change yet and it's not because you can't find the right job or don't have the time or money. It's because your brain is really good at making excuses for reasons why you should play small and stay safe.


In this step, we identify your fears, excuses and inner blocks and learn strategies to get past them. 


To get a taste for the kinds of things we'll cover in this step, visit these blog posts. 


03 Uncover your purpose:

It's time to choose your next move.


The right path for you is one where you are in total alignment with your purpose. Your purpose isn't complicated, it's simply just to be as YOU as possible but uncovering who you are can feel complicated because it's all tangled up in all the stories we tell ourselves and our culture's prescribed way of living.


Let's reconnect with what truly matters to you, what lights you up, and what you're great at. Get a sneak peak of the things we'll work on here.


OR visit these blog posts. 


04 'Maek' it happen:

Time to take action. Build a strong sense of trust in yourself, think through worst case scenarios and practice being comfortable in the uncomfortable.


'Maeking' your dreams come true is easy when you've got the support, strategies and accountability to go for it. 


To get a taste for the kinds of things we'll cover in this step, visit these blog posts. 


*This package includes twelve 45 minute coaching sessions, the Energy Leadership Index assessment & 1 hour debrief, homework assignments, worksheets and email coaching, and a Wrap-Up 30 minute session & Summary pdf.


"This isn’t easy. This is hard. It’s messy. It’s deep. You’re going to confront beliefs about yourself that you didn’t even know you had, that have been holding you back. You’re going to make changes that feel uncomfortable at first. You’ll feel like retreating into your old, unfulfilling, but comfortable way of being. Mae will keep you going! Because on the other side, you’ll be free to be who you are meant to be and doing work that inspires you!

Coaching was a process of becoming the best version of myself– not who I was expected to be at work, not who I trained to be in school… but who I truly am. Mae helped me figure out how to bring that good stuff out and into the world!​​"

- Lynsay B

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