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4 Ways This Can All Play Out

Mae K

When you're feeling stuck at work and you don't want to stay anymore, and you're miserable and desperate and want a way out, there are only a few ways things can play out.

Here they are:


I wanted to talk a little bit more about the decision to get unstuck. If you're feeling like you're in a job that is a dead end, soul-sucking, or isn't filling your cup, and you want to make a change, what does that actually look like? I wanted to walk you through what I see being the four options for what comes next, what to actually do, and what those options look like and involve so that you are clear on the decision ahead of you.

Mindset and finding your groove, along with getting out of your own way, are crucial to this process being successful for you. While these are important aspects we work on in coaching, I also want you to be clear on what the next steps look like.

The first option you have is to take a leave. Many clients, when they start working with me, have reached burnout or are close to it, which is something I personally experienced as well. Whether your job is stressful or not, you can consider taking a leave of absence for medical reasons. Talk to your doctor about how you're feeling and the impact on your life and work. Taking a medical leave or sick leave might be available to you. You could go on short-term disability, take sick time, or work with HR and your doctor. In Canada, there are protections in place where your employer or manager doesn't need to know why you're on sick leave. This time will help you heal from living a life that isn’t fulfilling, similar to recovering from depression. It gives you the space to reconnect with who you are, what you need, and what you want, ensuring the next step you take is aligned and not just an escape from your current situation.

The second option is to quit your job. This option's main concern is usually financial, but I encourage you to explore your financial options. Can you go on Employment Insurance (EI)? Can you manage with less money? Are there savings you can use? Can your family support you during this time? You might find you can afford to quit and use a few months before starting to apply for jobs again. Financial feasibility is crucial, but this option might be right for you if you can make it work.

The third option is to start a side hustle. Many clients hope their side hustle will eventually make enough money for them to transition fully. However, pursuing a side hustle solely for financial gain can lead to disappointment and setbacks. Finding time for a side hustle while working full-time requires significant compromises and boundary setting. This is a great option if you’re excited about something and willing to carve out time for it, with the possibility of it growing into something bigger.

The fourth option is to switch jobs or transfer to part-time work. This gives you more freedom to explore other options like a side hustle, a passion project, or a career transition. However, finding part-time work that pays well can be tricky, and your current employer might not be open to it. Also, part-time work can quickly fill up with other life responsibilities, so you need to be protective of your newly freed time.

Consider all these options and decide which might be right for you. Many of my clients have chosen one of these four steps, or a fifth option: staying in their current role and focusing on shifting their mindset and self-care. This has also worked for some clients.

The work we do in coaching involves deciding what you need right now to make the right decision for you. Some clients know what they want to do and have already resigned. Others spend time looking for alternative options or growing a side hustle. Some consider taking a leave, while others stay in their jobs but feel better about their situation by the end of our coaching.

Our coaching process shifts your stuck energy so you can feel better. With more positive energy and balance, you can see options clearly and make aligned decisions rather than those based on fear. We work through the blocks and excuses that keep you stuck, figure out the right path based on your beliefs and interests, and make that path concrete.


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