When you’re stuck in a job you hate, it’s natural to crave a guarantee of success before making a change. But the truth is, you don’t need a guarantee to take the first step toward a more fulfilling life. Here’s why you’re looking for that guarantee and how to move forward without it.
Why You’re Looking for a Guarantee:
1. You’re Exhausted and Burnt Out
You don’t have energy to waste and can’t fathom spending energy on something that might not work. After enduring a draining job, the thought of trying something new feels overwhelming.
2. Fear of the Unknown
The thought of things feeling worse is terrifying. Better to stick with the devil you know than risk a new path that could potentially be even more challenging.
3. Fear of Regret
You’ve been in your current role for so long that any change, even a positive one, seems daunting. What if you miss the good aspects of your current situation once they’re gone?
4. Fear of Failure
What if the new path doesn’t work out? Where will that leave you? The uncertainty can be paralyzing.
5. Worried About Others’ Opinions
How will you explain your decision to others? The fear of judgment can keep you stuck.
6. Self-Doubt
You might feel like you can’t trust yourself because you haven’t taken a big leap in a long time. What makes you think you’re capable of succeeding now?
7. Financial Concerns
You have bills to pay and responsibilities to meet. The fear of financial instability can prevent you from making a change.
8. Survival Instincts
When your livelihood feels threatened, you go into ultra risk-averse mode, clinging to the familiar for the sake of survival.
What to Do:
1. Comfort Your Risk-Averse Mode
Develop plans and engage in mindset work to address your fears. Create a bottom line, timeline, and worst-case scenario plan to reassure yourself.
2. Plan for Energy Management
If you’re worried about burning out, prioritize healing. Take a leave if necessary and choose something that energizes you. Passion projects can be a good starting point because they bring joy and won’t feel like a gamble even if they don’t lead to immediate success.
3. Reframe Fear of Feeling Worse
Consider if it’s really possible to feel worse than you do now. Prioritizing what you truly want and need is unlikely to make you feel worse.
4. Acknowledge Losses and Gains
Accept that with any change, there will be losses. However, also focus on the new opportunities and positive changes that will come with your decision.
5. Analyze Failure Implications
Think through all possible failure scenarios and plan how you would cope with them. Use logic to assess the likelihood of these scenarios. After doing this work, decide what risks you’re willing to tolerate. Remember, you’re allowed to consider your desires and potential positive outcomes, not just the least bad option.
6. Communicate with Others Carefully
Share your plans with others only after you’ve built self-belief. Be clear about not wanting opinions and ask for their support.
7. Build Self-Trust
Choose something that comes naturally to you. If others can do it, so can you! Start small to build confidence through observable success.
8. Prepare to Pivot
Failure isn’t final. Decide in advance what negative consequences you’re willing to tolerate and when you’ll pivot. Make your backup plan as appealing as possible so it feels like a pivot rather than a failure. Pivots are a sign of honoring yourself and your evolving needs.
Intentional Self-Serving Thoughts and Tips
1. Consider the Cost of Staying
Reflect on the long-term cost of remaining in a situation that stifles your growth and happiness.
2. Think About Long-Term Regrets
Imagine the regret of not trying to change your path. This can be a powerful motivator to take action.
3. Imagine Success
Ask yourself, what if it does work out? Visualize the positive outcomes and how they will enhance your life.
4. Set Realistic Goals
Identify what feels doable and aim for goals that challenge you but are achievable.
5. Leverage Your Strengths
When you do what you love and are good at, you’re likely to excel. Trust in your abilities and let your passion guide you.
By addressing your fears and making thoughtful plans, you can overcome the need for a guarantee and take meaningful steps towards a more fulfilling life. Remember, you don’t need a guarantee of success to make a change; you just need the courage to start.